4. Organizing Tests

One of the goals of PHPUnit is that tests should be composable: we want to be able to run any number or combination of tests together, for instance all tests for the whole project, or the tests for all classes of a component that is part of the project, or just the tests for a single class.

PHPUnit supports different ways of organizing tests and composing them into a test suite. This chapter shows the most commonly used approaches.

Composing a Test Suite Using the Filesystem

Probably the easiest way to compose a test suite is to keep all test case source files in a test directory. PHPUnit can automatically discover and run the tests by recursively traversing the test directory.

Lets take a look at the test suite of the sebastianbergmann/raytracer project.

Looking at this project’s directory structure, we see that the test case classes in the tests/unit directory mirror the package and class structure of the System Under Test (SUT) in the src directory:

src                                          tests/unit
├── autoload.php                             ├── CameraTest.php
├── Camera.php                               ├── canvas
├── canvas                                   │   ├── AnsiMapperTest.php
│   ├── AnsiMapper.php                       │   ├── CanvasTest.php
│   ├── CanvasIterator.php                   │   └── PortablePixmapMapperTest.php
│   ├── Canvas.php                           ├── ColorTest.php
│   ├── PortablePixmapMapper.php             ├── intersection
│   └── WebpMapper.php                       │   ├── IntersectionCollectionTest.php
├── Color.php                                │   └── IntersectionTest.php
├── exceptions                               ├── material
│   ├── Exception.php                        │   ├── CheckersPatternTest.php
│   ├── IntersectionHasNoHitException.php    │   ├── GradientPatternTest.php
│   ├── InvalidArgumentException.php         │   ├── MaterialTest.php
│   ├── OutOfBoundsException.php             │   ├── PatternTest.php
│   ├── RuntimeException.php                 │   ├── RingPatternTest.php
│   └── WorldHasNoLightException.php         │   └── StripePatternTest.php
├── intersection                             ├── math
│   ├── IntersectionCollectionIterator.php   │   ├── MatrixTest.php
│   ├── IntersectionCollection.php           │   ├── RayTest.php
│   ├── Intersection.php                     │   ├── TransformationsTest.php
│   └── PreparedComputation.php              │   └── TupleTest.php
├── material                                 ├── PointLightTest.php
│   ├── CheckersPattern.php                  ├── shapes
│   ├── GradientPattern.php                  │   ├── PlaneTest.php
│   ├── Material.php                         │   ├── ShapeCollectionTest.php
│   ├── Pattern.php                          │   ├── ShapeTest.php
│   ├── RingPattern.php                      │   └── SphereTest.php
│   └── StripePattern.php                    └── WorldTest.php
├── math
│   ├── Matrix.php                           tests/integration
│   ├── Ray.php                              └── PuttingItTogetherTest.php
│   ├── Transformations.php
│   └── Tuple.php
├── PointLight.php
├── shapes
│   ├── Plane.php
│   ├── ShapeCollectionIterator.php
│   ├── ShapeCollection.php
│   ├── Shape.php
│   └── Sphere.php
└── World.php

The tests/integration directory contains integration test cases that are kept separate from the tests/unit directory’s unit tests.

To run all tests for this project we need to point the PHPUnit command-line test runner to the test directory:

$ ./tools/phpunit --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php tests
PHPUnit 11.1.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.2.2

...............................................................  63 / 177 ( 35%)
............................................................... 126 / 177 ( 71%)
...................................................             177 / 177 (100%)

Time: 00:17.100, Memory: 28.27 MB

OK (177 tests, 657 assertions)


If you point the PHPUnit command-line test runner to a directory it will look for *Test.php files.

To run only the tests that are declared in the WorldTest test case class in tests/unit/WorldTest.php we can use the following command:

$ ./tools/phpunit --bootstrap src/autoload.php tests/unit/WorldTest.php
PHPUnit 11.1.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.2.2

.............                                                     13 / 13 (100%)

Time: 00:00.095, Memory: 8.00 MB

OK (13 tests, 30 assertions)

For more fine-grained control of which tests to run we can use the --filter option:

$ ./tools/phpunit --bootstrap src/autoload.php tests/unit --filter test_creating_a_world
PHPUnit 11.1.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.2.2

.                                                                   1 / 1 (100%)

Time: 00:00.077, Memory: 10.00 MB

OK (1 test, 2 assertions)

Composing a Test Suite Using XML Configuration

PHPUnit’s XML configuration file (The XML Configuration File) can also be used to compose a test suite. Example 4.1 shows a minimal phpunit.xml file that will add all *Test classes that are found in *Test.php files when the tests directory is recursively traversed.

Example 4.1 Composing a Test Suite Using XML Configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        <testsuite name="unit">

        <testsuite name="integration">

Now that we have an XML configuration file, we can invoke the PHPUnit test runner without arguments (tests, for instance) or options (--bootstrap, for instance) to run our tests:

$ ./tools/phpunit
PHPUnit 11.1.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.2.2
Configuration: /path/to/raytracer/phpunit.xml

...............................................................  63 / 177 ( 35%)
............................................................... 126 / 177 ( 71%)
...................................................             177 / 177 (100%)

Time: 00:17.100, Memory: 28.27 MB

OK (177 tests, 657 assertions)

The PHPUnit test runner’s --list-suites option can be used to print a list of all test suites defined in PHPUnit’s XML configuration file:

$ ./tools/phpunit --list-suites
PHPUnit 11.1.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Available test suite(s):
 - unit
 - integration

We can use the PHPUnit test runner’s --testsuite option to limit the tests that are run to the tests of a specific test suite that is declared in the XML configuration file:

$ ./tools/phpunit --testsuite unit
PHPUnit 11.1.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.2.2
Configuration: /path/to/raytracer/phpunit.xml

...............................................................  63 / 172 ( 36%)
............................................................... 126 / 172 ( 73%)
..............................................                  172 / 172 (100%)

Time: 00:00.213, Memory: 24.27 MB

OK (172 tests, 637 assertions)